About Our Club

Rotary volunteers support local, international and youth projects. They are business owners, managers and professionals who enjoy fun, fellowship and live or work in our community. They invite like minded men and women to join in their humanitarian service.
The Rotary Club of Tsawwassen (District 5040) draws 80 energetic and involved members from both Canada and the United States. At meetings in Tsawwassen some 35 km south of Vancouver, BC, Canada, we share fun, fellowship and advance the objectives of Rotary.
Members originate from the length and breadth of North America and beyond. We are a club rich in accents, dialects, backgrounds and experiences that takes pride in our diversity, camaraderie and unity.
Besides enjoying informative weekly programs and outstanding fellowship we share many social activities and numerous local work parties.
We live the Rotary motto "Service Above Self" through active support of local, international and youth projects. Annually numerous school and community youth programs are sponsored as are local projects including the Healing Garden at Delta Hospital, the Terry Fox Run to fund raise for cancer research, Earth Wise Gardens to promote good environmental practices and holiday gift baskets to help families facing hardship. Besides generously supporting Polio Plus to eliminate polio we sponsor multiple Shelter Box campaigns to provide families with disaster relief when and where needed. We are also currently involved in several projects assisting development in Africa.
Through this world fellowship of business and professional leaders we are united in the ideal of service and high ethical standards to serve society and advance international understanding, good will and peace.
Tsawwassen is a residential community in the Metro Vancouver region. The Canadian community of 25,000 occupies the north half of a peninsula shared with the 700 residents of the American community of Point Roberts, Washington, which grows significantly with summer visitors. We live in an area with important transportation, agriculture and service infrastructure surrounded by the natural beauty of mountains and ocean, at a key resting area in the flyway for 1.5 million Pacific migratory birds. The immediate region offers limitless outdoor recreation opportunities for active people of all ages.
Please come for a visit. If humanitarian service commitments like those noted above interest you, join us and become an active member of our lively and fun Rotary Club.