Five year-old Alex, son of Rotarian Matt Wood, proved on Thursday that you're never too young to help others!  When Alex recently celebrated his fifth birthday, he opted to host a $5 and $5 party with guests bringing $5 for Alex to use towards a gift and $5 to go to a charity of Alex's choice.  Alex chose the Rotary Club as his charity, and proudly donated $170 at our last meeting.  Note: For anyone who did the math, Alex didn't have 24 kids to his party (much to his parents' relief!) - the final donation amount was a result of a generous additional donation from one of the party-goers.
Alex's donation will help fund medical beds for the Rotary Path to Health, which supports the delivery of primary health care to thousands of the rural poor in Zimbabwe.  Thank you for your contribution Alex - we're so proud of you!