Role Model of Ethical Business Practice Recognized by Rotary
Posted by Shawna Nickel
on Feb 04, 2015
Congratulations to North Delta's 100 Acre Wood Family Day Care, who won the 4th Annual Delta Rotary Business Ethics Award on Friday evening. We are proud to recognize this organization as a model of ethical business practice in our community. Three other Delta companies also recognized were Augustine House (Ladner), Complete Cleaning Services Corp. (Tsawwassen), and Studio 64 Personal Training Inc. (North Delta).
The Rotary Clubs of Tsawwassen, Ladner, and North Delta - along with the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Enactus business student chapter that administered the nomination process - sponsored the event held at the Delta Town and Country Inn.
Pictured: Winner of the 2015 Delta Rotary Business Ethics Award Tanya Marsh of 100 Acre Wood Family Daycare (left) with fellow finalists Christina Tablan of Complete Cleaning Services Corp. and Tanya Snow of Augustine House (missing is finalist Ranj Heer of Studio 64 Personal Training)

Tanya Marsh of the award-winning 100 Acre Wood Family Day Care said the ethical practice in her business translates into inclusion. "Everybody is welcome," she said, "From varying cultures, different abilities, special needs, and low income families."
Marsh says, “Because I have the opportunity to work with children at an early developmental stage in their lives, I promote many important skills that include caring and respect for others, fairness, honesty, healthy lifestyle, awareness and respect for nature and the environment. Long term I hope to produce people who, in the future, embrace these positive behaviours and values.”
Comments by Marsh and other finalists can be heard here.
Said award program leader Leslie Abramson, "Tanya’s company and the other finalists all have a clear understanding that ethics are good for business. Being first in business is not just about being the fastest and most powerful at any cost; it’s also about focus on the community, giving back, and service. Rotary International puts ‘service above self’ at the centre of all its activities around the world among our 1.2 million members and 35,000 clubs, and these finalists represent the meaning behind the ‘Four-Way Test’ of truth, integrity and goodwill in the way we provide that service.”
About Rotary
Rotary international provides service to others, promotes integrity, and advances world understanding, goodwill and peace through fellowship of business, professional and community leaders among its 1.2 million members worldwide in over 34,000 clubs. The Rotary Club of Tsawwassen meets Thursdays at 7:15 am at the Beach Grove Golf Club. The Rotary Club of Ladner meets Tuesdays at 12:00pm at the Delta Town & Country Inn. The Rotary Club of North Delta meets Thursdays at noon at the Delta Golf Club.